

Landscape Design is a wonderful way to upgrade the value of a property by adding beauty and curb appeal to any property. Our experienced team is ready to upgrade any project, whether it is an outdated garden bed, which needs a few touch ups, or a massive overhaul of the entire property. View our landscape options below or call us for custom requests.


Sod Work

Having a wonderful yard is not the easiest thing in this region of our country. We have heavy rains, hot sun, droughts, and cold winters. The soil does not help with having large clay and rock sediment.  Sodding a whole yard or a small portion is important. Gold Lawn and Construction will meet any of your sodding needs. 

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Garden Beds

Garden Beds are very important to the appeal of a property.  A wonderful garden bed design will add a nice color boost to an otherwise dull home.  Do you have a yard where grass will not grow, maybe too shady or muddy? Add a wonderful new garden bed to the property to hide those lawn issues and make your property shine.

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Natural Stone Border Edging

Natural stone border edging or adding a rock bed is a wonderful way to liven up a yard.  Natural stone edging is a cheap and great alternative to plastic edging that breaks and crakes.  Stone walkways help with unneeded surface water or weed problems.  Grass may not grow in areas and a nicely designed new rock bed will enhance that once ugly eye sore.

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Grading Yards

Grading a yard can even out your space for multi-purpose use. Soil added along the foundation wall helps with ground erosion and basement flooding. The yard in this photo had a dry creek bed that filled with 3 feet of rain water. We transformed this unusable yard into an enjoyable space.

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